All of the videos for the online sessions are now in WordPress Toronto | YouTube.
هذه الوظيفة تلخص التبادلات والنصائح من Let’s Fix Your WordPress Site, 2021-05-18 | Meetup. This was our 14th online session using التكبير.
This session recap post consists of the video recording and the chat transcript. There aren’t any of the usual session notes.
تم تقديم طلبات المساعدة في تعليقات صفحة الحدث وفي رسائل الدردشة التكبير يتم تضمينها في الجزء الأول من الملاحظات و ناقش أكثر أو أقل في الترتيب الزمني.
The session started at 6:30 PM, ended at early at 7:45 PM because of the hosts’ other commitments.
الدورة القادمة هي Let’s Fix Your WordPress Site, 2021-06-15 | Meetup.
حول رعاتنا
This WordPress Toronto Meetup sub-group is sponsored by Weglot and the Canadian Management Consortium.
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ملاحظات جلسة العمل
There aren’t any notes for this session.
نص الدردشة
هذه هي رسائل الدردشة العامة المرسلة أثناء الجلسة.
- 18:37:32 From Jamie M to Everyone: do you get to help fix our site
- 18:37:41 From Alex Sirota to Everyone: yep
- 18:47:03 From Emily Jeffers to Everyone: I don’t see a lot of those features
- 18:47:08 From Emily Jeffers to Everyone: are they theme-based?
- 18:47:57 From Jamie M to Everyone: how to I connect my contact us form to my email
- 18:48:16 From Jamie M to Everyone: and is it good to use elementary or are there alternatives
- 18:48:21 From Jamie M to Everyone: elementor
- 18:50:33 From Alex Sirota to Everyone: I am looking at a plugin that protects plain email addresses and mailto links from email-harvesting robots, by encoding them into decimal and hexadecimal entities. Two candidates: Any experience with these? I think one was used on a previous edition of a website I managed (but third party built) but has been replaced.
- 18:51:03 From Jacques Surveyer to Everyone: A good source for the latest trend on Gutenberg is – almost daily news items
- 18:51:07 From Lori to Everyone: if my theme hasn’t supplied an update since December, is that a bad sign? how often are they supposed to offer an update?
- 18:56:11 From Jacques Surveyer to Everyone: I looked at my Spam folder today [Gmail] and found about 10 phishing emails this past week
- 18:58:06 From Rob (Sohrab) Soltani to Everyone: Hello everyone, My name is Rob (Sohrab) Soltani. I am a CS student in Toronto. I have been playing around with WordPress for a couple of years now. I have had one WordPress client so far. I am so happy to have found your group. I am hoping to upgrade my WordPress skills and knowledge by learning from your experience here.
- 19:00:57 From Laya Steinberg to Everyone: Hi all, I should have introduced myself right off the bat. I am a graphic designer with limited experience designing websites, though I’ve used WordPress a few times for my own sites and for friends. I’m hoping to learn more and am glad to have found this group.
- 19:02:06 From Alex Sirota to Everyone:
- 19:07:49 From Jamie M to Everyone: wanted to ask a question
- 19:08:51 From Jamie M to Everyone: thanks
- 19:09:14 From Collette to Everyone: hi, my name Collet, i joined to see how to fix my wordpress
- 19:10:42 From Lori to Everyone: how about deleting cookies and history
- 19:14:08 From Jamie M to Everyone: mute every one
- 19:23:47 From Rob (Sohrab) Soltani to Everyone: Laya, using Chrome developer tools I also found there are a few URLs referenced in your HTML that are not references through https (SSL). Maybe you also would need to install an SSL plugin to replace those in the theme as well?
- 19:24:42 From Rob (Sohrab) Soltani to Everyone: Also, there is a masonry JavaScript library error in the console as well. Maybe there is a theme issue with masonry as well.
- 19:45:45 From Laya Steinberg to Everyone: Thanks all! Clearly I have my work cut out for me but at least I have some leads, thanks to your suggestions.
هذا كل شيء لهذا الشهر Meetup خلاصة الملاحظات.
The next online session is Let’s Fix Your WordPress Site, 2021-06-15 | Meetup. RSVP ونشر سؤالك أو طلب.
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